Costco is Now Having You Scan Your Membership Card at The Entrance. Here’s Why.

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If you haven’t been to your local Costco lately, you may be in for a surprise right before you even enter your local warehouse.

Just a few days ago, I visited one of my local Costco Warehouses here in Utah and I was met with a new change – a person scanning membership cards right at the entrance.

Now, I had heard this change was coming but I wasn’t sure if that was a new policy being implemented to all Costco locations and it looks like it is.

Why is Costco scanning memberships at the entrance?

There has been a lot of speculation as to why Costco is now scanning memberships at the entrance especially since memberships are already checked at check-out and receipts are checked upon exit. Some have said it’s to prevent non-members from shopping others say to help prevent theft and others believe it’s to help cut down on people try to use expired memberships to gain entrance.

However according to a statement Costco made to USA Today:

“This test is to match members to their cards at the door prior to shopping for an improved member experience,”

Unfortunatly, that doesn’t give us much of a reason other than it seems like they just want to keep non-members out of the store.

I get that this new change may not be welcome and may seem like a little bit of overkill especially when Sam’s Club doesn’t require you to show your membership at the door or even at checkout but I also understand why Costco is doing this.

Can I scan my digital membership at the entrance?

Yes. According to Costco’s website:

Over the coming months, membership scanning devices will be used at the entrance door of your local warehouse. Once deployed, prior to entering, all members must scan their physical or digital membership card by placing the barcode or QR Code against the scanner*. Guests must also be accompanied by a valid member for entry.

You can see the Costco Membership scanner in action here.

How to Save on a Costco Membership

If you are someone that needs a Costco membership, right now, you can get an awesome deal on a new membership. Choose from either:

1-Year Gold Star Membership for $65 + receive a Free $20 shop card


1-Year Executive Membership for $130 + receive a free $40 shop card.

They only run promotions like this a few times a year so if you want a membership, now is the time to get one.

Grab your Costco Membership Here.

So, what do you think? Do you like this change at Costco?


  1. john dough says:

    it’s to track the time in store vs total amount $$ spent. By changing the goods at the entrance they can measure the increase or decrease the volume

  2. Show your card at the entrance show your card at the register show your receipt at the exit. I feel like I’m paying to be in jail. Sam’s and BJ’s doesn’t do this. Why all the inconvenience?

  3. Anne melton says:

    It’s ridiculous! I feel like canceling my membership! Theft can happen even if you scan you card. I think that it’s to sell more memberships like Costco doesn’t make enough money.

  4. Charlotte owens says:

    I hate this change. I believe this is just BS like everybody else I’m older and I have to send my kids sometimes in town to do my shopping now I send them to Sam’s Club.

  5. I beleive it coukd be a deturent to the rash of smash and grabs that have hit the costcos and their jewelry displays. It helps limit the numbers in a group and identifies who has entered. Match that up with security cameras and you can identify who robbed you.

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