You Can Win A $200 Amazon Gift Card For Back to School Shopping. Here’s How.
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It is August and that means, kids everywhere are getting ready to head back to school.
With that being said, it’s no secret that this year has been rough, especially with the inflated costs of nearly everything. So, I can completely understand how tough it is to afford school supplies right now.
Well, with that being said, I have a special giveaway to announce…
I am partnering with Amazon to offer a $200 Amazon Gift Card to not just one, but TWO lucky winners!
Mark Newcomb & Hilary Kutha

Yes, that means 2 lucky Simplistically Living readers will each receive a $200 Gift Card to help get back to school shopping done!
In case you didn’t know, Amazon is a great place to shop when it comes to back to school shopping.
Not only can you find amazing deals on all your child’s school supply needs, it keeps you from having to hunt down items in-store.
Just shop, ship to your home and your child is ready to head back to school!
And Amazon and I want to help you pay for that shopping trip. We are giving you the chance to win 1 of 2 $200 Amazon Gift Cards! Yay!!
How to Enter The $200 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Simply comment on this post and tell me your favorite school memory. It can be a teacher that you remember, a friend or really anything!
That’s it! Commenting will officially enter you!
If you want to spread the word, I’d love for you to share the post on Facebook with your friends and family and even tag them in the comments.
I will draw winners on Friday, August 11, 2023.
Rules of the giveaway:
- You must be 18 years of age to enter.
- US residents only
- You must complete the required entry method (commenting on this post).
Winners will be notified via email on Friday, August 11th so please make sure your email in your comment is correct. Winners have 24 hours to claim their prize or it will go to another person.
Good Luck!!
My favorite memory was my mom bringing our baby kitten she had gone to get to my school and all the kids were so excited. I was around 6 years old and crying happy tears!
It’s *(Sun.) 12:43 a.m. *Just SEEING, Now… ^(Too, Late?)
My fave memory: Certain classes I did well in: (Spanish) Advanced Writing ✍️ Speech, & Advertising. 😉 🙂
My favorite memory was my history teacher paid for the kids to go on field trip bc he knew a lot could not afford it.
Sixth grade. Mrs. Martin reading aloud to the class and allowing us to belt out John Denver’s Country Road in music class.
When I first came to my elementary school and didn’t know anyone my indidnt know st time,but best friend was one of the first kids to come talk to ne and actually not leave me alone! I thought omg this girl is annoying. We blossomed into a beautiful friendship. I miss her so much though as I have lost her to addiction. Love you Kylie and I hope you can escape the disease.
I always loved the first day back to school and finding the class lists posted on the front door of the school. So excited to see who was in my class and my teacher for the year. Also back to school supply shopping and new pencil crayons.
I’d love to win, my Amazon shopping cart is full but my bank account empty!
Celebrating the holidays and making decorations out of construction paper and paste! Field trips were also a favorite!
Very interested. Hope I’m not too late!
Some of my favorite memories of school were getting to pick new school supplies, especially all the cute Hello Kitty ones.
My fondest memories are of field trips to the zoo. I loved them and that probably where I get my live of wildlife photography from.
My favorite memories are coming back to school after summer break and seeing friends you’ve missed while anticipating who will be in your class that year.
Skiving off school, then walking back thru muddy field I slipped n went flat on me back, big flared skirt n me wS covered in mud 🙈🤣
My favorite school memory is when I was in grade school. It was in the winter and I had really dry skin on my hands. So much so that the skin on my hands would crack and bleed. I was in class one day and I had to use the restroom. I approached the teacher’s desk to ask her. She was busy and didn’t look up and when I asked her she said, no go sit back down. We were in the middle of something and we weren’t supposed to get up. As I turned to go sit back down, she looked up. When she saw it was me, she allowed to a pass to the restroom. She asked me how my hands were and she gave me some lotion that was formulated for dry, cracked skin. It really helped. To this day, I remember that teacher, Mrs. Roach, and her loving, caring and kind spirit and heart. This world needs more teachers like Mrs. Roach who care for their students as if they were their own children.
I have lots of favorite school memories. I think my favorite was playing on the merry go round with friends and our principal would push us really fast. Sometimes people would fall in the mud but nobody got hurt. We would just laugh and do it all over again.
One of my favorite school memories consisted of… a boy with white hair, an indoor goldfish pond, reading time and me. I was in Kindergarten and we had a raised goldfish pond in our classroom. The pond had an area to sit,like a tree bench, where we were allowed to sit while our teacher read or we read independently. If you stood on the bench you could look into the top of the tank and see the fish.
One morning our teacher was reading to us but got called to the door. Those sitting on or near the bench took advantage of that time to look at the fish. Well, I was a small kindergarten and had to kind of hoist myself up to see. Since all the kids wanted to see the fish soon pushing and shoving started.I was leaning over the top when this big, white-haired boy pulled himself up right behind me, pushing me over the top edge and into the pond! I sputter and got back to my feet and most of the kids had climbed down as to not get I’m trouble.
When our teacher heard all the commotion she hurriedly returned finding me drenched from head to toe, standing in the pond. The kids were silent! She helped me out and found a blanket to wrap me up. I was sent to the office to have my mom called so she could bring me dry clothes.
When the principal questioned me about what happened I burst into tears. I tried to tell him that the boy with the white-hair pushed me in on purpose! I didn’t know the other kids name so I always called him the white-haired boy.
As the school years passed I had that white-haired boy in many of my classes. In high school we became close friends and when I told him about that fateful day on kindergarten he too remembered it and said he always wondered what had happened to that girl!
My favorite school memory was getting to meet Marshall R.Teague from my hometown. He’s a famous actor. He was in the movie Road House, Armageddon, Last Ounce Of Courage as well as many other movies and tv shows. His mother was my teachers aid in fourth grade and he came by to visit her. I’m still one of his biggest fans❣️ He’s not only a great actor, but he interacts with his fans daily on Facebook and other social media. That will always be my favorite school memory ever❣️❣️❣️
my current favorite school memory is watching how excited my children are to learn anything and everything
I love school supplies! Especially new pens and notebooks.
I always loved the 1st day of school. Finding out who was in your class.
One of my memories is helping with meals on wheels. Our honor society would deliver meals to people st lunch time. It was a great time helping others and being with friends.
My favorite school event during elementary school was the annual cultural fair we had, where we would have food and activities centered on multiple cultures. It was something I always looked forward to!
Some of my favorite school memories are being in the orchestra. I played the cello, and two of my besties were in there as well.
My favorite school memory was receiving an award (that I now realize was especially made for me) for moving from the lowest reading group to the highest reading group in second grade. I had never received an award or any recognition & was so self-conscious about being a late reader, but my teacher, Mrs. Despotides, made me feel smart and special and loved. Because of her, I developed a lifelong love of reading and became a teacher myself. I thank my lucky stars for Mrs. Despotides and countless other educators just like her who make SUCH a difference in the lives they touch.
I loved Mrs. Singer and her multi-talents! She did it! She was our art, music, drama teacher, she did TAG, she sponsored many events and held many clubs! I only wish all kids had a teacher like she was!
My favorite memory was going on veiled trips in elementary school. They were so fun!
Meeting my bff in science class! He’s my fiancé now 😉
My best school memory…
Hanging out back stage after school, working on backdrops or props or costumes.
HS is where I discovered my love of theater and, to this day, any school auditorium brings me joy and peace.
I discovered who I was and who I wanted to be on that stage.
Later, I worked for over 10 years with a local theater group, on stage myself, but also helping young actors find their joy and their voice.
I loved the smell of fresh crayons and tablets, organizing my elementary school desk!
I don’t have a lot of good school memories. But I do have a favorite teacher that I remember. I am 50 years old and I still remember my kindergarten teacher. She was the nicest teacher and her name was Mrs. Dace. I am now a daycare teacher and if I win I’ll spend it on supplies for my classroom.
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Nau. She truly loved and cared for each of the students. She hosted a 5th grade picnic at her house and we all had a blast! Boy, I miss those days 🙂
One of my favorite memories was when I played a princess in a school play. I think it was 5th or 6th grade. It’s a memory that still brings a smile to my face almost 60 years later!
My favorite school memory would have to be wearing pajamas and watching a movie in the school library! It was fun!
My favorite memory was from High school. I was in the concert choir and we did an exchange concert program. We travelled to another state to stay with a family and perform a concert with their choir. I remember they also took me skiing for the first time and it was amazing. Then they came to our school and homes to stay and perform. It was such unique school experience for me. I remember it fondly to this day!! I work at this school now , quite a bit later in my life lol. It would be great to get a gift card to get my granddaughter’s school supplies. She is starting kindergarten in about a month.
Mr. Grady Mills was the kindest, most Godly man I’ve ever known. He taught Bible and Spanish. As a missionary in Africa and the Dominican Republic, before becoming a teacher, he had wonderful stories, used often, in his curriculum. As a man growing up in South Georgia and then teaching in Miami he could speak Spanish like the Latin folks in the community. People were often surprised he wasn’t Cuban 😂. He was every students favorite and beloved by all.
My teacher told me I was a smart kid in front of my class.
I loved going to school and seeing friends and a few of my favorite teachers
My 6th grade teacher Mr Julius Gollup was such a sweet man! He was the one who encouraged me to be the best that I could be!
My favorite instructors were in college. My public school teachers were mainly going through the motions I’m sorry to say.
I always enjoyed the feeling of the first day of school, the newness of it all and the anticipation. I liked the new school supplies and clothes.
Since my children are all grown and take care of getting my grandkids school supplies, if I win this I will use it to purchase things for a child who needs them. My wonderful daughter-in-law is an assistant principal and will help me find a deserving child.
I remember playing jumprope in elementary school at recess. I was one of the rope turners, & the plastic bangle bracelet I was wearing came off & was on the jump rope. As I was reaching down to get it, a boy in my class decided he wanted to play, so he went to jump in & landed right on my hand, pushing my bracelet into my finger! Off to the nurse I went, then to the hospital where they were able to use glue instead of stitches. 50 years later, I still have the scar!
Amazon is amazing!
My favorite school memory is when I was in 3rd grade and my story was selected for Young Authors Day.
My favorite memory from school is getting to spend those years with my bestest friends and have some of the greatest times of our lives. We made some of the most treasured memories of mine.
Back to school clothes for me mean work clothes, Time to get in the closet and look, arrrrrrggghhh!
Too many but all of them were very helpful
My favorite school memory is the field days we had in elementary school.there were always blow up obstacle courses, bouncy houses, italian ice or sundaes, face painting and temporary tattoos. allgood stuff.
When at 7 years old my class was presenting a Christmas program for our parents called the Christmas ship! My only part was to rush out on stage and say “HURRY, HURRY, the rocket is all Fueled up and ready to go.” It must have been pretty energetic moment because everyone stood up laughed and clapped! Amazing how things stay with you from programs you did in school!
Graduation was my favorite memory of school lol
My favorite school memory is going home with my kindergarten teacher and staying the night. I had the best time!
One of my favorite memories is of my third grade teacher, Miss Yoder. She had spent time in Japan as a missionary, and brought us all back Japanese erasers in the shape of people dressed in Kimonos. I held onto that eraser for many years. She was a kind person and taught us a lot about Japan.
Being a member of band!
My favorite memory is when I was in 6th grade, my favorite teacher ever Mrs. Riddle would let my friends & I grade papers, decorate her door & hallway. I always enjoyed going to her class, it was so much fun
Oh wow this would be incredible!
My favorite was school trips we took in eighth grade to Red Sox game and to 6 flags
My favorite school memory is my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs.Chestnry, singing us all a song on how to remember what a noun is. She was doing a little jig and singing and accidentally bumped her classroom Christmas tree over. She laughed, we laughed. It’s just something I won’t forget. She was a joyful teacher.
I remember my history teacher. He taught us little known facts about our founding fathers and Civil War leaders. I was also the student secretary for the vice principal in charge of discipline, and used to get my friends out of class early.
One of my favorite things I remember is doing the Christmas Progam in 5th Grade. We danced to “Rocking Around The Christmas Tree”. I was taking dance and ballet at “Young World” Ballet School; and since I was a good dancer, I got to be in the front row for the performance. I remember seeing my parent’s faces – with big smiles. They were probably thinking “Her lessons are paying off” while I was thinking how proud I was of myself to be in the front row. Good times!
I remember in kindergarten tripping and skinning my knees while jump roping. I was sent into the nurse’s office to get cleaned up and band aids. I remember standing outside of the nurse’s office too scared to go in. Another student was sent to the nurse’s office as well for the same thing. They talked me into going into the office and a beautiful friendship was formed.
I had some of the same teachers as my parents. Fun to have them compare me to my parents and aunts and uncles! Some times!
My favorite teachers were 3rd and 4th grade. You knew they cared about you and helped you succeed. I now teach 4th grade because of them and want my students to feel the same way.
I’m actually currently in Georgia visiting my best friend since middle school! We grew up in Indiana, where I still live. Forty years and it’s still like coming home when I’m with her!
thank you very much
My 4th grade teacher read us Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. Those are some of my favorites to this day.
I hope something I pick for my fifth graders this year sticks in their heads like that.
My favorite memory from school is hanging out with friends all the time!
I remember pe class, loved playing soccer.
My 3rd grade teacher was one of my favorite. Back when I was in grade school teachers were able to take their students with a small group to lunch. We went to McDonald’s. I still have the happy meal toy..and keep in contact with her.
I remember when my drama teacher in high school said your going to watch snow white if you guys don’t listen.
Amazing assistance for back to school
I had a favorite teacher, I never thought I would like English class but I sure learned so much from him. His name was Mr Engle a great person and teacher, very patient with his students and was always willing to take the time for you.
I miss high school so much! I went in the late 80s and early 90s! The music the fashion the big hair and those carefree days! We use to go behind the gym and throw water balloons at each other, i remember a friend of mine running around with purple parachute pants on you know Hammertime pants lol. Hair bands and hair spray summer concerts at the fair grounds! I saw David Lee Roth, Def Leppard, Cinderella, extreme, and many more! I still listen to hair bands and 80s music and think of those Glory Days or parties out in the field. Even spent the night on a parked sailboat on the beach just taking all night. Really was the Glory says
My favorite memory of school was playing Goldilocks and singing in my elementary school play. I still sing the song sometimes! LOL
This is so wonderful!❤️ And, thank you!🙏 If I happen to be one of the winners I am going to give it to someone who’s really in need as my children are grown and out of 🏫 school now!
So, I am going into my third year of nursing school! During my freshman year, I was taking Anatomy and Physiology which was a super challenging class! I will never forget it. Hours before our last exam, my friends and I were last minute studying and stressing over this exam! We finally decided to take a snack break. My friend opened her backpack and all I remember was her emptying all of it’s contents onto the table. She reached in one last time and pulled out a completely flattened black old banana that she said had probably been in her backpack since the middle of high-school! At that point of being burnt out, beyond exhausted, ( basically delirious) we found it absolutely hilarious! All of us died of laughter! We couldn’t believe what we saw! It doesn’t sound as hilarious as it was, but it certainly was at the time and it eased any stress we had for our exam. It’s a silly memory that I’ll hold onto for the remainder of my time in nursing school! And yes! We all passed that final that day!
My favorite memory is a teacher named Ms. Atchison. We did a time capsule project that was supposed to be opened in 2020, don’t think it was. So much fun trying to figure out what to put in the box, figuring out how we wanted to be remembered.
We had Zero The Hero in early elementary school. Every time we hit being in school for a a 0 day (10, 20, 30 days etc) Zero The Hero (principal dressed as a superhero) would go around to each classroom offering up a Zero treat (cheerios etc). On 100 Days of School we would all have a huge party.
I have a lot of memories like on field day when we got to sift through the sand to find things, the parachute and the Halloween circle we got in with our costumes. One year my dad waited too long to get a custom so the only thing left was a light up vest so that’s what I wore. I have no clue what I was but I thought it was cool in 3rd grade and at least he tried. I wish the kids got to do all the fun stuff we did back in the day.
My favorite school time memory was kindergarten. We had a big split room and we would do arts and crafts. I remember those cardboard red “bricks” that you could stack and I remember having the coolest thing I thought for show n tell…my smurf cling activity play set. Smurfett was too cool back then. I loved using my imagination to take me places. What a great time to be alive back then.
I loved shopping for new school supplies and then going home and organizing it!
Always football Friday nights
Thank you so much for this chance! As a teacher and a single mother any chance of help is a true blessing! I appreciate you!
I remember my favorite teacher was Mr Hughey he was the best
I know that this is bad for the environment, but my favorite memory (from long ago 🙂) is when we would attach a postcard with an identifying number and our school address to balloons. We would release them and have a map in school to see where they went. The was a prize for the balloon that went the farthest.
My favorite school memory is dancing in the rain on the football field after school hours. I was in 11th grade and a bunch of my friends and I just got done with theatre rehearsals. Theater kids know how to have fun haha. It was a spur of the moment and a moment I’d love to relive.
Back to school clothes shopping was always fun, getting new and unique styles to fit my personality. Unfortunately my kids are required to wear uniforms down to the shoes which can be hard to find the right colors and/or sizes.
My favorite school memory was graduating. I had finally made it through all those years of work. My daughter and son stood by my side
On my graduation day.
My Favorite memory: my mom and dad had to go to work early, so my little sister who was 7 years younger than me would get on her horse and ride it to her elementary school, once at school, she would send the horse back home and the horse would come straight home. The school was about 1.5 miles away. We lived in a rural area, with no neighbors. A special memory for me.
In elementary school, on May 1 every year, we had Maypole dances out in the school courtyard. It was so magical and the different colors of streamers against the bright blue sky was so beautiful!
I was playing at recess in Kindergarten and someone I had always noticed was having trouble walking up the hill due to ice..I remember holding her hand and helping her up. From that day on (5 years old) I had a crush on her. Never did anything about it all through high school but ran into her at my work one day. Valentine’s Day was best and someone I knew worked with her. So I had flowers delivered with a note, I waited and waited for a response but never heard. Few years later I saw her and she thanked me. Didn’t work out but at least I eventually tried.
My favorite school memory is getting to make papier-mâché models of the planets in science class. It was so much fun.
On the first day of 6th grade, I was in line at the pencil sharpener. My ponytail bopper a girl in the face. She sat next to me. After I apologized, we started talking. So much talking, that the teacher moved me. On the first day! We are still friends to this day!
I loved to go back fo shook every year just to meet again my friends, we were a group of six girls that studied together since preschool!!! I studied in Venezuela, and loved to smell all the the new stuff: the notebooks (my father used to cover the books with contac paper, ant the last year I covered with newspaper and the contact paper clear, it looked perfect!) the books (yep we studied with books 🥴), the backpack… good and beautiful memories 🥰
Before backpacks really came on the scene, I used a small duffle bag to carry my books. Nowadays, a good backpack that won’t tear and has a pocket for a water bottle that won’t cost as much as the clothes and school supplies combined is a blessing to find.
When I was in the first grade I used to come into the classroom and every morning I would tell my teacher to bend to my height so I could kiss her cheek. I thought she was the nicest teacher and I wanted her to know how awesome she was so I guess in my 6 year old mind that was a kiss on the cheek.
When I think back to it I often hope I made her feel good and not weirded out.
My favorite school memory has to be the excitement of the first day every year. Putting on my new clothes and getting all excited to meet up with my friends and find out what my teacher will be like. So many memories!!!
I think this is amazing! My favorite memories are the school lunches. We had square pizza and soy burgers! It wasn’t McDonald’s but it sure was delicious!
I’m a preschool teacher and I have 4 children of my own.
My two girls have always looked forward to going back to school, my boys did not!
As a teacher, it’s so exciting to be able to share a child’s first school experience with them.
I’m lucky to have the two best jobs – mom and teacher.
I really didn’t enjoy school. I was bullied. That’s why I love working with kids to encourage them to be the best they can me despite their circumstance.
I remember just the smell of new school supplies and how everything seemed to be so clean and new. You stumbled to find your sit or new class and you met your new teachers. It was just an awesome feeling to think you had a fresh start.
I loved participating in the spelling bee at school even though I didn’t get very far!
My favorite memory was Reaching the principles honor roll in 4th grade..
My favorite memory from school is of my very first school principal when I was in 2nd grade. I had been homeschooled prior to then so I wasn’t the best at social interactions. My parents had separated 2 years prior and my mom was a teacher at my school for the 4th thru 6th graders so she was busy and couldn’t help me learn to ride a bike. But my 2nd grade school principal Mr. Singer was right there from beginning to end, from training wheels to two wheels, every bump and every bruised but if pride, he was there. He gave me the confidence I needed and many years later I searched for him on social media to tell him thank you but I was never able to find him.
My favorite school memory is an annual fall field trip to a local nature reserve.
I remember in 1st grade 1986 My teacher was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seenand her hair was so long, it was past her knees. Years later I worked for the same School and she was still teaching there. I noticed one day while cleaning her room she had a photo album from every year she taught. She was kind enough to send me a copy of my photo fom the year I was in her class and also a drawing I had made. 😊
Such a nice giveaway!
I always loved having new school supplies that I could organize and reorganize in preparation for a new school year.
My mother could not afford the stretchy book covers so I covered my books with brown paper bag. Still to this day it is one of my favorite moments of school. My sisters helped and then we drew in them to make them more popular. It was a sweet moment sister help tape them the best we could. Grant it not the prettiest as those with the expensive covers but what matter is I kept forward and was lifted sports with my sisters.
My favorite school memory is of my 6th grade teacher Mr Hatman.. he dressed up like Mr T and pitied the fools that didn’t know how to read!
My favorite school memory was all the dances, and pep rally’s, spirit weeks etc. I made so many wonderful memories during those times with my friends, classmates and teachers. Some of my best friends were made during those times. I truthfully miss school for those moments.
My 5th grade teacher was the one who helped me love to learn. I hated school until I had her as my teacher.
My 1st grade teacher Sr. Theresa – she was amazing & always made everyone feel calm & happy.
This is so kind of you, I would get all the school supplies for 7 of my grandbabies in school. To help moms and dads out a bit.
Thank you
I had the best algebra teacher. Her name was Mrs. Rodgers. She always made sure we understood by taking a little bit extra time for whom ever needed the help. She is an amazing teacher.
My favorite memory is of my 4th and 5th grade teacher Mrs.Joungejan. She was truly amazing. One big memory was, she knew I had a fear of speaking in public so she would allow me to do my presentations in front of just her at recess time. I have yet to meet a teacher as unbelievable and caring as she was. I wish more teachers were like her.
My favorite school memory was when my friend and I kidnapped another friend’s favorite stuffed animal and created a scavenger hunt all around the campus for her to find it.
I was lucky to have several teachers who inspired me to be a teacher! I have been teaching for 20 years as a special education teacher. I enjoy helping my students learn new skills and work with my coworkers!
I have two teachers who were amazing, Mr. Renner, my 6th grade teacher who made everything fun and my typing teacher, Mrs. Pitts, who was/is amazing. They were two of the kindest, most loving people I’ve ever met.
Favorite school memory was in elementary school. Every year at Christmas time they would open up the divider between the cafeteria and gym and the whole school would sit on the floor and sing Christmas carols together all afternoon before winter break. I looked forward to it all year long. ❤️
Yay! Back to school is my favorite time of the year!
I hope I can win something! My son is starting school for the first time and he’s lacking some supplies and clothes.
I have a lot of favorite school memories. School was my safe space in my life. I loved my third, forth and fifth grade teacher. I loved my high school teachers. I loved the smell of the books in the library. Where I found peace. Back to School shopping is always my favorite as an adult. I was that child who depended on the kindness of others for school supplies when I was younger. I love being able to send my children supplies that will help them find out who they are. I love being able to supply someone the needed supplies for thier success in school. It’s a feeling. The first place where I was encouraged to be me, the first place to encourage thought and belief in myself even when things felt hopeless. I am forever grateful for my teachers who have shaped me to be the person I am.
My favorite memories were field trips my mom got to come on. She never missed one, as a full time nurse she still always had time for her kids. I love that! Always felt special and safe with my mom there ❤️
My favorite school memory would have to be my very first school dance. At the time I was a little overweight and always felt like I was invisible to most people but my parents worked hard to buy me a pretty new dress and I got together with my best friend and her mom and did my hair and makeup. For the first time in my life I felt not just pretty, but beautiful. I went to the dance with my best friend, my cousin, and our older siblings and I had the time of my life. We danced and laughed and spent the evening truly happy without a care in the world. So happy to have those memories like that with the people that mean so much to me even now.
I loved my third grade teacher. She was the very best of all my teachers. Thank you Mrs Grant. I will never forget you.
My favorite school memory was having Mr Lange for law! He was just the greatest teacher and wanted the best for his students! He was a father to so many! He passed away the day after he retired from teaching :(! He’s someone that I will carry In my heart and memories forever !!
My favorite memory is when I was in 6th grade, my favorite teacher ever Mrs. Riddle would let my friends & I grade papers, decorate her door & hallway. I always enjoyed going to her class, it was so much fun
My favorite school memory was performing in the school plays. I loved rehearsing for months to prepare and then the couple of weeks where we performed every day. It was exhausting but so rewarding!
I remember my elementary music teacher visiting me in the hospital after I had my brain surgery and bringing me finger puppets.
I just loved going back to school after summer ended.
My father passed when I was 13 and I was so touched that my teacher, Mr. Broten, got a substitute and came to the funeral.
Loved the fun fair every year in elementary school. My Mom helped with it and I always got to help pick out the prizes! Thanks for the chance to win 😀
I love the walk from our house to school! I held my brother’s, 5 years younger than me, hand all the way when he started first grade!
My favorite memory is when I went to school in England it was one of the best times in my life the friends the teachers it was wonderful!
You guys always have amazing content and products! Love following you!
One of my favorite school memories was in 6th grade when we were learning about the Renaissance. We had to research a topic from that time (food, clothing, etc), make our own costumes, present to the class, and then we went to the Renaissance fair for a field trip. My history teachers in junior high were awesome.
I went to Saint Agatha grade school and my teacher,Sister Mary Seaton was a sports fan so when the NY Mets won the World Series she took our class for a march around the block to celebrate.I was in the 3rd grade.
I really liked elementary school, so I have a lot of good memories from that time. One of my favorites is when all those letters they had been teaching us finally turned into words and I could read to myself!
My favorite school memory is my grad night. In southern Ca some schools have like a school trip where we get to go to Disneyland after they close the park early. School from all over So Cal go there and ride the rides and spend one of their last memories as a senior with their friends. There is a dress code so everyone is semi formally dressed. It was really fun spending van our last days as students before we moved on to the adult world and what better place than the happiest place on earth….Disneyland
Fondest memory is of Ms Melanie Dabbs, my 10th grade literature teacher @LeeHighSchool in Huntsville Alabama. She made literature fun and interesting. I learned so much during her class and I find myself using quotes from books I read during that time. She is and always will be MY favorite teacher!
I remember my daddy taking me to buy my school shoes, they were saddle oxford’s. His thing was very old fashioned, but I loved him anyways. He wouldn’t let me buy any other type of shoe. Until one day, he caught me taking apart the stitching on the shoes. He didn’t spank me, but I knew he was angry. Last pair of saddle oxford’s he ever bought me. After that, he gave me my choice for school shoes. He passed when I was 16 years old. He has been gone almost my whole life.
My favorite school memory: I was in a talent show in 5th grade with all my best friends. We had actually petitioned the teachers to have the talent show, and it was so much fun. I hope my kids get to have such a memorable experience.
My favorite school memory is as a mom of two boys- in their primary years they did a “storyline” way of learning. The 2nd grade teacher did a “Castle/Medieval” theme, where the kids wrote, read did math story problems centered around the theme. The classroom became a castle. What a way to engage the imagination!
Good memories of teachers who showed love and care while having a passion for helping us learn.
My favorite school memory is of my favorite Elementary teacher (who was an amazing person). She was also my son’s favorite teacher. I am so honored that my son has those happy memories of her, as she died from breast cancer a few short years after he had her as a teacher. She is dearly missed, but when I think of her, it always brings a smile to my face.
I don’t have just one memory. I just remember times were simpler back then and I miss those times. Walking to shcool with my friends.
I loved the talent shows! Favorite memory was most of the talent shows!
Not a favorite memory, but one I will never forget. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was in 6th grade. It was announced over the loud speaker. Very sad time….
My best memories of my school times were my best friends Robin Tammy and Cynthia. Also my best foster mom, who kept me under a tight hand made me a better person and stood up for me at school as well as punishment if needed. She also worked in the cafeteria.
I remember my First Grade teacher invited our entire class to her wedding ceremony that summer. It was a great time. I wish I could find the picture taken of all of us as a class after her ceremony.
My memory from school is is one of my favorite teachers!! She was my elementary PE teacher and my high school biology teacher! I love her so much!! She is retired now but she is one of the teachers I remember so much!!
I remember my favorite teacher. Mr. Hahn. The only male teacher I had before high school. He was strict, yet fun. He actually talked to us like we were individuals. He made us feel individually smart and important.
I am so thankful for some good friends I made in elementary school! 5 of us get together every year or so and I’ve known 1 of them since kindergarten!!! The others I met in 2nd and 3rd grade!
My favorite memory from school ŵas when I was in high school, I got to learn to be a mechanic. I put a lawnmower back together and give did a brake job on a car. Every time I was done I was covered in grease. The best thing about was I got paid!
For me, it was cross country and track practices. I learned so much from my teammates.
My fondest memory of school is rainy days.
There was something so cozy about being in the grade school classroom, safe and warm while it was dark and stormy outside.
I remember in elementary always the last day was sports day and we also got texas donuts they where bigger then our heads lol
Favorite memory was when I played powder puff football
my favorite teacher was Mrs. Berube. she was so calm & intelligent. she encouraged us. I loved going to class!!!
My favorite school memory is from 6th grade. When I went to 6th grade I was at a new school that year. Luckily my mom worked at that school so I was able to see her during the day. I got to meet some new friends. That year is where I learned to like reading. During that year I got to volunteer in the school library. It ended up being my favorite thing to do at school. I will always appreciate that librarian for letting me volunteer there.
Mrs. Wilson, a 7th grade teacher, I will never forget her kindness 💕. I teach now, I try to always be kind like she was to me.
One of my favorite memories is when we would practice our spelling, we would write our spelling words in shaving cream on our desks. It was soo much fun!
Thank you for this opportunity! I am aspiring to be an influencer and am in the Amazon program too. I hope I can get as influential as you!
i loved my first grade teacher she was so good to me
My favorite memory… my third grade teacher, Miss Barca! She was wonderful. She inspired me to be a teacher of myself. And about 10 years into my career, I got a job at my elementary school where Miss Barca, who is now Mrs. Young, was still teaching. Now we are both retired, and good friends.
When I was in fifth grade, we celebrated May Day with a May pole, Revolutionary War costumes, many made by my mother, and learned to dance the Minuet. We had refreshments, games and a lot of fun. I am 83 now and find it still one of the precious moments in my life.
My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Escamilla. I’m sure she is in heaven already, but for some reason she always pops in my head 💕
My favorite memory was when we had a first day of school and I got to see all my old friends!
My favorite school moment was two years ago during my first year of teaching. I was able to surprise my students with a class pet. It is a ferret named Badger. The excitement in their eyes and their faces was worth every penny I’ve spent.
One of my favorite school memories is my 5th grade teacher. She was very caring and patient with the students and she was also funny.
Thank you for the chance
Spending time with friends during school functions. Prom prep and homecoming floats for sure some of the best times!
My favorite school memory is a teacher I had for first grade she was amazing and patient her name was Miss Jones I will never forget her I still talk to her up until a couple years ago when she passed away
First day. First Grade. P.S. 30, Jamaica, NY. ♡ to our teacher, Mrs. Silver – wherever you are.
Truly, I am just enjoying my five girls all stepping into the same schools I went to growing up. It truly amazes me how elementary, middle & high school is evolving. Working so hard to keep them motivated and always work hard. I am happy to have a junior this year. As well as my 8th, 5th, 4th, & little 1st grader.
Being in marching band performing at our first game of the season to show off our half time pwrformance.
My most favorite memory was a sleepover for all the 8th grade girls in my class.. Yes, I went to a small private school and I don’t know how my parents let me, but I got to host a sleepover!! We played board games, watched TV and made crank phone calls!!
I had a teacher in grade 2 miss Gibson she taught the best class ever
She taught how caring and having fun is so important in school and out of school
I have kept her words close to me and always will
My favorite school memory is the sock hops in Junior High School. With 7 grandchildren going back to school this would be a wonderful help. Thank you for the chance to win!
My fondest school memory is probably high school art room. Spent a lot of time theŕe
My favorite memory was Home Ec class as I loved taking care of eggs and learning how to cook and sew I know that class is usually in high school but the teacher Mrs. Klapp was a good friend of the family and taught me after school hours I really wish they would start teaching that class again.
Back to school time was the time to catch up after all my friends were off doing things all summer. I probably liked that best.
My favorite school memory is meeting my now husband! High school sweethearts
My favorite school memory is walking into a “business math” class that my Dad insisted I take to find out it was remedial math and the teacher telling me he’ll give me straight A’s if I find something educational to do in class instead of the work – soo I studied Spanish in the math class! I was supposed to be in a calculus level class!
My favorite memory.. Kindergarten/1st grade at St. Joseph’s school I had a wonderful teacher Mrs. Renzulli. I was a nerd/outcast.. heavyset girl with glasses. We were poor! She noticed my strengths in academics and especially reading. She even took me to her house and taught me songs in English and German. She strengthened my confidence and now I pass that on to my daughter. My daughter is 6 and a bit awkward but I always show her to love and be love. As she goes into 2nd grade I feel that her confidence is strong and that like Mrs. Renzulli, she has great teachers and mentors to guide her to be a great scholar and person. She has a mentor that was once her Birth to 3 teacher, this woman Rhianne has changed her world already. I am so happy that she has found her “Mrs. Renzulli”. I am forever thankful and even though times! We would definitely benefit from the Amazon gift card as we are in a financial low. Amazon has been a great resource to help us find very low prices for all of our back to school needs. Thank you for considering us in this giveaway.
My favorite school memory is from elementary school. Every year we had an event called Field Day. We had to compete in different obstacles and races against other classes in the same grade. They would give out awards, food, and snow cones. We would all have a blast!
Very interesting and sorted posting. Adds all one needs to know!!
My favorite teacher of all time was Mrs. Velardo in 3rd grade!
I would love to receive this for my crash granddaughters
My favorite school memory was when I lived overseas because we were in the military and we were able to leave campus everyday for lunch. I was only in 7th grade. Loved the freedom to walk around with friends.
Favorite school memory, Mr Ciccarelli
I loved my 4th grade teacher! She then taught 6th grade when I got there and I got to have her as a teacher again! I was pumped!
In second grade, I’d just lost a tooth, top center. . I kept feeling the empty space with my tongue. My cousin was sitting next to me, and he told the teacher I was sticking my tongue out at her. I got in trouble.
I had a fourth grade teacher by the name of Mrs Grace, and she was a great teacher. We spent most of our days hiking in the woods and camping. We still taught us the fourth grade lessons, but it was while we were hiking or sitting around a fire. She will always have a special place in my heart.
Favorite school memory…. Friday night lights!! Being a High school Cheerleader was the best!
My favorite memory is getting new school supplies. I love the smell of new notebooks, pencils, crayons etc.